🍱 conversations à la carte

afternoon tea and petit fours for thought

let’s talk. or we don’t have to talk at all. but if we did, try ordering off the mind menu (changes seasonally, local ingredients) and let me know what you think.

s u m m e r / f a l l   2 0 2 2

  • cultural resets
    • namely, why i can’t stop watching shows about rich white people doing terrible rich white things to each other.
    • shows about the restaurant back of house. toxic environments. people really good at their jobs doing their jobs.
  • “born but not raised”
    • i read this somewhere in passing, and i keep thinking about the immigrant experience, and also the systems and institutions impressed upon us
  • me and the internet darlings
    • teenage girls made the internet and then destroyed themselves in the process
    • i keep saying i was a girl born of the internet
  • means of creation
    • we don’t make things online like we used to. there’s nothing selfless about making things just because.
  • anthropologizing the first decade of my relationship to tech
    • every artifact has a timestamp. from penguins to photoshop
  • what if atlas had tiny shoulders?
    • tiny living, constant compartmentalization, misplaced wanderlust
  • pokémon: we never caught them all
    • as a cultural good for children: tangible, transactional
    • why i played it as a kid; why i stopped playing it
  • what are the things you’ve read and made you go
    • i wish i fucking wrote that

or, a longform article i’ve read recently

p r i x   f i x e

notes on a worldview, the seminal influences that have made me who i am

what i’ve spent my whole life trying to put into words, and i’m still looking for the words to say the things i mean; someday soon, i may find them.

the last time the internet was the only place that mattered to us, and how it reminds you of another time in your life when online was the only thing that mattered.

tell me something i don’t know, the things i keep writing the same versions of.